Sugar 7 API Wrapper Class Updates

Previously, the wrapper class was… well… just that, a class. Working with custom endpoints was awkward and felt hacky. The more I dived in to Sugar 7 customization the more I realized I needed something more flexible and future proof.

That something is, at the time of this writing, the latest push to github.

Now the wrapper class is now a facade to a more powerful rest client. The reason for going this route was to keep the class intuitive but also allow a developer more flexibility. Prior to this latest push to github, in order to support a new endpoint a new method in the wrapper class had to be coded. Now, with a simplified rest client and improved facade you can easily work with custom endpoints and endpoints that have not been defined in the wrapper class.

Does this mean new features? Of course!

There have been 4 new methods added to the wrapper class. Those 4 methods allow you to interact with any endpoint that is not covered by the wrapper class. This includes both custom and stock endpoints.

Examples of these endpoints are:

$sugar = new \Spinegar\Sugar7Wrapper\Rest();

/* Get Endpoint*/
$arguments = array();
$result = $sugar->getEndpoint('MyCompany/MyAddon/MyGetEndpoint', $arguments);

/* Post Endpoint*/
$arguments = array();
$result = $sugar->postEndpoint('MyCompany/MyAddon/MyPostEndpoint', $arguments);

/* Put Endpoint*/
$arguments = array();
$result = $sugar->putEndpoint('MyCompany/MyAddon/MyPutEndpoint', $arguments);

/* Delete Endpoint*/
$arguments = array();
$result = $sugar->deleteEndpoint('MyCompany/MyAddon/MyCustomDeleteEndpoint', $arguments);

Nifty, right? Enjoy!

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